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Connecting a rich collage of art makers and appreciators

Mastering the art of collaboration

Crozier is made up of...


Aspiring art specialists trained through the Diversity Apprenticeship Program


International partnerships

$1 million+

Raised in the 2022 MassArt Auction to support student scholarships and academic programs, an auction for which Crozier was a sponsor

$2 million+

The amount of money Crozier's partners have raised for art initiatives and education in 2022

Crozier's collaborations and partnerships strengthen our connections to the global art community.

Sea freight shipping

Mimosa House

We support the work of this independent, non-profit art institution in London—a safe space for artistic dialogue between women and queer communities.

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Sea freight shipping

The Diversity Apprenticeship Program (DAP)

Crozier is proud to provide support and training to the DAP, an initiative spearheaded by The Broad's education department. Since 2018, Crozier has trained more than 20 apprentices from underrepresented communities in the foundations of art handling and preparations work.

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Sea freight shipping


We support the educational institution's annual signature fundraising event, which allows students to attend the university.

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Sea freight shipping

Independent Curators International (ICI)

Crozier provides support, storage space, and other logistics solutions to the ICI, an organization that bolsters the work of curators to help create stronger art communities through experimentation, collaboration, and international engagement.

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How the Diversity Apprenticeship Program helps mold a brighter future

Our Expert
"Without Ernesto Ceja and Jack Williams of Crozier Fine Arts, the DAP would look and feel very different." "Auction proceeds provide funding for qualified students to receive a world-class MassArt education, regardless of financial means. We are so grateful for Crozier's ongoing and continued support of the college's annual signature fundraising event."

Sea Freight Shipping

Thanks to our partnership with Christie's, we now offer art transport via ships that travel regularly between New York, London, and Hong Kong. Sea freight shipping results in an 80% reduction in carbon emissions compared to air.

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How can we help?
No matter the scope of your project, we are here to help. To get started, please select: